Disney’s Wander Over Yonder is a television series that follows the adventures of Wander, a jolly intergalactic traveler, accompanied by Sylvia the Zbornak, his best friend. It aired from 2013 to 2016, and the complete series is now available for streaming online and we are here to provide you with details on how you can watch it!
Here’s where you can watch Wander Over Yonder online.
Where can you watch and stream Wander Over Yonder?
You can watch and stream Wander Over Yonder on Disney Plus.
Wander Over Yonder features the voices of Jack McBrayer in the lead as Wander, April Winchell as Sylvia, Keith Ferguson as Lord Hater, and Tom Kenny as Commander Peepers, along with Fred Tatasciore, Sam Riegel, Noël Wells, and more.
How to watch Wander Over Yonder and stream online
To watch Wander Over Yonder online, you’ll need to sign up for a Disney Plus subscription via the app or the website with your email and make a purchase by choosing one of the plans that the streaming service offers. The plans available are:
- A monthly plan with ads for $7.99 per month.
- An ad-free monthly plan for $10.99 per month. (Starting from October 12, 2023, this plan will cost $13.99/month)
- An ad-free annual plan for $109.99 per year.
The official synopsis for Wander Over Yonder reads:
“The adventures of Wander, an eternally-optimistic intergalactic traveler and constant do-gooder, and his quick-tempered but loyal steed and best friend, Sylvia. The friendliest face in outer space, Wander journeys across the galaxies to spread good cheer and to help anyone he can — much to his overly pragmatic stallion’s chagrin. Their fun-loving escapades often lead them to clash with the evil villain Lord Hater and his army of Watchdogs, who travel from planet to planet trying to make hate the order of the day. Together, the best friends travel through the cosmos, happening upon one freewheeling adventure after another and making new friends and foes.”