
The Abyss Clip
ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive The Abyss clip from the special features of the 4K special edition release of the iconic James Cameron movie. The clip features Cameron and producer Gale Anne Hurd discussing the design of the film’s helmets and filming dialogue underwater. The Abyss is set to release on 4K alongside Aliens and […]
wish easter eggs
ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive Wish clip from behind-the-scenes of the latest Walt Disney Animation Studios movie. Wish is available now at Digital retailers, and will be released on 4K and Blu-ray March 12. “It is an all-new story is set in the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha, an optimist with a sharp wit […]
Legendary rock band Bon Jovi is the subject of a new documentary series, which will drop on Hulu on April 26. Titled Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story, the four-part docuseries will revisit the band’s musical journey that spans over four decades. The upcoming docuseries will feature the history of Bon Jovi through old […]


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