Stree, a 2018 Indian horror-comedy film directed by Amar Kaushik, took audiences on a rollercoaster ride of laughter and spine-chilling moments. The film is set in the small town of Chanderi and revolves around the legend of a mysterious female spirit. The spirit tends to prey on the town’s men during an annual festival.
As the story unfolds, viewers are left in suspense until the very end, wondering about the true nature of Stree and the fate of the characters.
Check the trailer out here:
How did Rajkumar Rao’s movie end?
The story revolves around Vicky (Rajkumar Rao) and his encounters with the mysterious Stree. Gripped by fear, the townspeople follow a peculiar tradition of writing “O Stree, Kal Aana” (O Woman, Come Tomorrow). They write it on the walls of their home, believing this will protect them from the vengeful spirit.
This tradition is rooted in the legend of a woman who was murdered on the night of her wedding and returns annually to abduct men until her demands are met. The tension escalates as the townspeople wait for the fourth night of the festival when Stree is said to strike.
Enter Vicky (Rajkumar Rao), a charming and carefree tailor who falls for a mysterious woman (Shraddha Kapoor). Unaware of her true identity, Vicky becomes entangled in the web of suspense surrounding Stree. His friends, played by Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee, contribute to comic relief within the narrative. Furthermore, it lightens the film’s otherwise eerie atmosphere.
Stree ending explained: What happened to Shraddha Kapoor?
As the story unfolds, the audience is kept on the edge of their seats to wonder about Stree’s true identity. It is soon revealed that the mysterious woman Vicky has fallen for is none other than the ghost of Stree.
The backstory unfolds, disclosing that Stree was once a courtesan in Chanderi who met a tragic end at the hands of the town’s men. This is how she now seeks vengeance by abducting and killing men.
The climax takes an emotional turn when Vicky, Bittu, and Rudra Bhaiya concoct a plan to trap Stree in a temple and perform a puja to release her from the ghostly realm. It’s revealed that Stree spared Vicky earlier because of his genuine love and respect for her. This emotional connection becomes pivotal in resolving the supernatural fight.
As the puja commences, Stree starts to fade. However, Vikcy realizes that the woman he loves is also fading away. A poignant moment unfolds, emphasizing the bittersweet nature of the resolution. Rudra Bhaiya intervenes, explaining that she was never human but a spirit seeking revenge for years.
In a final twist, Shraddha Kapoor’s character joins her ponytail with her hair, embracing her identity as Stree with all her powers restored. The town is now safe from her wrath. While Vicky, having found purpose in Chanderi, decides to stay and keep on making lehengas for the women of the town. The movie ends with a cautionary note, stating that men should not roam alone during the holiday season. This hints that the threat of Stree may still linger. Moreover, the scene also hints at the possibility of a sequel.