A Nearly Normal Family, developed by Hans Jörnlind and Anna Platt, is a Swedish drama series streaming on Netflix. The plot revolves around Stella Sandell, the teenage daughter of a popular pastor. Their lives suddenly become tumultuous when Stella faces charges of murdering a prolific entrepreneur. The six-part season 1 premiered on November 24, 2023. If you are wondering whether there will be season 2 of A Nearly Normal Family, we got you covered.
Here’s all we know about A Nearly Normal Family Season 2 and whether it’s coming out.
Is there A Nearly Normal Family Season 2 release date?
There is no information about the release date of A Nearly Normal Family Season 2 as the show was originally developed as a miniseries. ComingSoon will provide an update if the circumstances change.
A Nearly Normal Family is based on the 2018 namesake Swedish novel by M.T. Edvardsson, and the series more or less covers the entirety of it. The book is part of Edvardsson’s Lundasviten series of novels. It has three other entries as of November 2023: Good Neighbors (2020), A Family Tragedy (2021), and Promise Me Silence (2023). All three of these books Edvardsson published under the name Mattias Edvardsson. These and A Nearly Normal Family are standalone novels. They have little to no connection between them except that they are all set in Skåne County, Sweden.
So, unless Netflix and the producers decide to turn the show into an anthology series, with each season being based on a different book, A Nearly Normal Family Season 2 is unlikely to happen.
The cast includes Alexandra Karlsson Tyrefors as Stella Sandell, Christian Fandango Sundgren as Christoffer “Chris” Olsen, Björn Bengtsson as Adam Sandell, Melisa Ferhatovic as Amina Basic, Lo Kauppi as Ulrika Sandell, Håkan Bengtsson as Mikael Blomberg, Moa Gammel as Jenny Jandsdotter, and more.
The official synopsis for A Nearly Normal Family Season 2 reads:
“The world of a seemingly perfect family shatters when a shocking murder proves that they’re willing to make desperate moves to protect one another.”