The Scream franchise continues to expand and has recently added actress Isabel May to the cast of its upcoming seventh installment. After making its debut in 1996, the film series was able to garner a dedicated fanbase and spawned five more sequels as a result. Now, fans are gearing up to witness another entry in the franchise, with a seventh edition set to hit theatres in 2026. Scream 7 will reportedly trace back the roots of the first film and has recruited 1883 star Isabel May.
Isabel May joins Scream 7 cast as Sidney Prescott’s daughter
With the forthcoming sequel exploring the original setup from 1996, Neve Campbell and Courteney Cox will be making a much-awaited return to the franchise. Scream 7 also aims to build upon the already established narrative by introducing the daughter of Neve Campbell’s Sidney Prescott to the mix, with Isabel May playing the part.
The casting update regarding the upcoming part of Scream was first published by Deadline. Aside from confirming Isabel May’s role, the media outlet also revealed that Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera will not be reprising their respective roles in Scream 7. The pair made their debut in the franchise with 2022’s Scream before returning for 2023’s Scream VI.
However, Ortega and Barrera will notably be absent from Scream 7, with the former opting out of the movie due to her commitment to Wednesday and other projects. Meanwhile, Barrera was booted off the film series in 2023 following her contentious statements regarding the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.
The latest addition to Scream 7, Isabel May, already has much Hollywood experience under her belt. The young actress rose to prominence for her role as Elsa Dutton in the Yellowstone prequel series 1883 before performing the part once again for its follow-up installment, 1923.
Scream 7 will hit theaters on February 27, 2026.