As far as a horror series goes, it’s consistent and the weak spots are few and far between. Still, it’s not my favorite horror series. No, sir, that title goes to Friday the 13th.
Before you start sharpening your knives, let me explain before I let you take the floor.
For me, the criteria is based number of films I like versus those I think fail, the handling of the series (consistency, twists and turns) and, obviously, the nostalgia factor.
Some of you will wonder why I didn’t choose Halloween or A Nightmare on Elm Street for my number one slot. One reason behind this is because I’ll endure a bad Friday the 13th sequel over a crappy Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger entry any day. That’s right, I’ll watch the faux Jason of “A New Beginning” over the silly shenanigans Myers was pushed through during Halloween 4–6.
Runners-up: A Nightmare on Elm Street series, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series (I honestly only think the weak entries include part 4 and Texas Chainsaw 3D), Scream, Phantasm and then the Halloween series. I wish I could point to a more recent horror series like Final Destination or Saw – both each have some fun/good things going for them – but I haven’t seen any entry in either franchise more than once or twice, nor felt the inclination to reach for them as I would with films in the aforementioned horror legacies.
So, how about you? What’s your number one horror series, moreover, why do you love it more than any other? Perhaps you’re a disciple of the Hellraiser films? Or, any of the other franchises I’ve mentioned?