Zack Snyder has offered a lengthy update on the status of his upcoming Superman reboot to The LA Times, including confirmation that the film will likely be titled (as has long been rumored) The Man of Steel (though that has not been finalized).
Again likening the project to Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, Snyder reiterates that his film will completely reboot the franchise and won’t contain any traces of previous Superman films.
“In every aspect of design and of story,” he explains, “the whole thing is very much from that perspective of respect the canon but dont be a slave to the movies.
Snyder also promises that we’ll be seeing the Superman suit sooner rather than later as he wants to beat any leaked set photos.
As for the cast, only Henry Cavill and Diane Lane are confirmed at this time, but Snyder does offer one casting tease:
Theres more to come and I think its consistent in its awesomeness.
Click here to check out the full story at The LA Times.