Connections July 23 2024 Hints Answers Today Clues NYT Puzzle

Connections Hints & Answers for Today, July 23, 2024

Below you’ll find the Connections hints and answers for July 23, 2024. This word game from The New York Times is somewhat different than Strands and Wordle in that it gives 16 words and then asks players to place them into four specific groups. The name of the game is to figure out what these categories are, which is easier said than done since many of the words seem to relate each other in unusual ways or might have several commonalities. Compared to the puzzle from July 19, this one is quite challenging. Here is the Connections answer for 07/23/2024, as well as some clues and hints in case you need some assistance.

What are some Connections hints for July 23, 2024?

The following are four Connections hints for the July 23, 2024 puzzle. We will provide a clue to help you work out the category of each color group, sorted from yellow (easiest) to purple (hardest). Since the answers are in the last section, we recommend that you don’t scroll too far unless you want to know the solution immediately.

  • Yellow Group Hint
    • The four words in this category are all nouns and synonyms of each other.
  • Green Group Hint
    • The words in this group are also generally synonyms of each other, and doesn’t include “TWEET”.
  • Blue Group Hint
    • Don’t look at all of the words that relate to pigs here. Instead, think about alternate definitions of “showboat.”
  • Purple Group Hint
    • This group is particularly difficult, but all of the words are related to specific characters.

What are the Connections answers for July 23, 2024?

Here are the Connections answers for July 23, 2024. We will reveal which four words belong in which colored group, again from yellow (easiest), to green, blue, and purple (hardest).

  • Yellow Group Answer: Imposter
  • Green Group Answer: Utterance
  • Blue Group Answer: One Who Likes Showing Off
  • Purple Group Answer: Looney Tunes Characters Minus A Letter

The yellow group, as usual, should be the easiest. “QUACK” might make the solution confusing, since “PEEP” and “TWEET” are also animal sounds. The green category is actually tougher than most since there are a lot of words in this puzzle that have to do with sounds, so it’s unclear which words are under “utterance.” The toughest word in the blue group is “hot dog,” since it’s alternate definition of someone who is a show-off isn’t as highly used as the other words in the group. And the purple group is just complicated, especially if you don’t know Looney Tunes characters.

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