DC's Legends of Tomorrow -- "The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe -- Image Number: LGN412a_0379b.jpg -- Pictured: Matt Ryan as Constantine -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

This week on Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12, Sara returns to her apartment to find signs of a struggle and Ava missing. Sara, Nora, and Constantine find where Neron is keeping Ava, attempting to break her by trapping Ava in her own private purgatory. Sara has Constantine send her into Ava’s purgatory in order to save her. Meanwhile, Nate and Ray follow up on Hank’s plans to try and find clues about Neron’s plans.

The Wardrobe

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

Ava’s purgatory resembles a big box retail store. Sara and Ava attempt to find a way out of the store, navigating trials that represent Ava’s anxieties about her relationship with Sara. When the two attempt to build a wardrobe, Ava reveals that when she feels attacked, she retreats into her mental and emotional corner. The two step through the completed wardrobe into the mattress section, where Ava and Sara argue about spending their futures together. The conflict comes to a head when Sara has a hard time handling adulting with Ava as the mundane details of life pile up on them. The conflict results in in Ava disappearing and Sara having to choose from a number of themed doll versions of Ava.  With time running out, Sara chooses Ava just the way she is, which frees the two from Neron’s spell.


Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

Nate and Ray get called to check out the construction of Heyworld. Nate realizes that Hank pursuing Nate’s childhood dream is what got Hank killed. Nate tells the foreman to tear down the place. Ray points out that the time Nate spent with his father didn’t kill Hank, it saved him. Before the dragon lair can be torn down, Nate steps in front of the wrecking ball, saving Heyworld.

The Witch

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

Constantine and Nora capture Neron and trap him in a cell at the Time Bureau. Nora remains connected to Neron, and the telepathic link goes both ways. Neron flatters and seduces Nora with power. Nora and Constantine launch a plan where Nora appears to be taking Neron up on his offer for power, when what they’re really doing is separating Neron from Des, leaving the demon vulnerable. Ray, however, is not in on the plan. When alarms go off, he rushes in to save Nora, becoming infected by Neron in the process. Des thanks Constantine for freeing him from Neron, but can not forget that Constantine sent Des to hell in the first place.

The Eggplant

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

While the others are engaged in the various missions, Mona, Mick, and Charlie try to help Zari compose a text to Nate, letting him know how she feels. Mona suggests a series of emojis, that way Nate can interpret them based on how he feels about Zari. Mick composes an erotic message. In the end, Zari finds her own words, but Nate’s phone is destroyed when he stops the wrecking ball. Nate still has no idea how Zari really feels about him.

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