This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11 Recap

This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11 Recap

In the previous episode of NBC’s This Is Us, Randall arrived home from Los Angeles to find an intruder in his house. In This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11, Randall’s anxiety built up through an eventful week.

Crazy Week

The intruder had a knife as Randall threw the clip of cash he had on the counter. He took the money and ran out. While the police were at the house, an officer advised Randall to have a security system installed and warned him that intruders often come back the next day. Randall had Beth and the girls stay in a hotel, while he stayed at the house. He called Kevin and explained what happened but changed his mind about talking.

Randall was holding a town hall to address Wilkins’s housing bill. Many of his constituents were upset, and Randalll appeared flustered. Beth made him promise to clear his schedule the next day so that they could talk. While out on a run that morning, Randall came across a woman getting mugged. He saved the woman and beat the mugger while injuring his hand. News stories appeared, heralding Randall as a hero, but when he showed up at the office the next day, he turned around and left. He went home and locked himself in the bathroom to call Kevin.

Just Talking

This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11 Recap

Darnell went to Randall’s office to discuss the bill. Randall’s phone kept chiming with alerts from the security system. Darnell thought Randall was disinterested in their conversation and resolved to bring his concerns to the town hall. At the town hall, Darnell remained silent. As Randall was leaving for his run, Darnell approached him. Malik had told him about the break-in. Darnell encouraged Randall to go to therapy, but Randall brushed off the suggestion.

Monsters in the Dark

This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11 Recap

The first flashback storyline involved the Big Three sleeping in their beds for the first time. Rebecca was sick and asleep while Jack resolved to stay awake to make sure the children stayed in their beds. While watching The Shining, Randall complained about monsters under his bed. Jack told him that he would sleep on the floor by his bed. He left when he thought Randall was asleep. When Randall went to get him again, Jack asked him to be the strong one of his siblings. Randall went back to bed.


This Is Us Season 4 Episode 11 Recap

While Randall was in college, he was having trouble sleeping because of frequent nightmares. They had started after Jack died, but they’d gotten worse after a fire alarm from a drill woke him up at the dorms. A common thread among the dreams was that he screamed warnings that his loved ones couldn’t hear. In the present, we saw Randall screaming as he watched an intruder touching Beth in her sleep.

Young Beth had convinced Randall to attend grief group with her. Unfortunately, Randall got a call from Kevin. Rebecca had canceled her birthday dinner since something was going on with Kate. They would be picking Randall up so he couldn’t go to grief group.

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