According to Variety, FX is developing a new drama series adaptation, based on author Akwaeke Emezi’s debut novel Freshwater. The series will be penned by Emezi, who will also serve as an executive producer along with The Leftovers writer Tamara P. Carter.
The Freshwater series will follow the story of a Nigerian female student named Ada. In her final year of college, her life completely changes when she finds out that she has three spirits living in her subconscious. They eventually take control of her, threatening to ruin her life and sanity.
The series adaptation will be produce by by FX Productions with Kevin Wandell and Lindsey Donahue to oversee the project for the studio.
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The novel is a dark and powerful drama which was published last year on February 13, 2018. The story explores the metaphysics of identity and being, plunging the reader into the mysteries of self. Freshwater was also inspired by the author’s own experiences.
Emezi’s debut novel received positive reviews from outlets like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Guardian; and became a finalist for various awards including the Center for Fiction’s First Novel Prize, the PEN/Hemingway Award, and the Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction.
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