Yang Zi and Xu Kai
Yang Zi and Xu Kai (Photo Credit: Tencent Video)

Best Choice Ever Ep 20 Recap & Spoilers: Why Is Xu Kai Upset?

The ongoing modern C-drama Best Choice Ever released episode 20 on April 17, 2024. The drama features Xu Kai and Yang Zi as the leading characters. The episode primarily focuses on Grandma Mai’s wealth, which has brought about huge changes in the lives of the members of the Mai family. After Zhi Ming (Xu Kai) finds out that his grandmother has entrusted the line of hotels she owned to Cheng Huan (Yang Zi), he is visibly upset. He angrily leaves the room.

Zhi Ming’s assistant teases him, saying that instead of seeing Cheng Huan as his future wife, he should consider her his competitor. Meanwhile, he receives a call from his mother, who tells him how easily he let Cheng Huan inherit the hotels. She asks him to come back to Switzerland. Even his assistant urges him to return as the matter has already been closed. But he refuses to give up.

He accepts that he made a wrong judgment. He recalls how his grandmother asked him to learn from Cheng Huan and put human interaction above everything. Zhi Ming knows that his grandmother always worried about him. He vows to take the hotel back from Cheng Huan at any cost.

Best Choice Ever ep 20: What did Xu Kai’s grandmother tell him in her letter?

Meanwhile, Cheng Huan’s mother flaunts her newfound wealth before her neighbors. She refuses to move to the suburbs after the demolition of her apartment. Furthermore, she tells Cheng Huan’s father how Grandma Mai made a mistake in entrusting the villa to Zhi Ming. Mrs. Mai thinks she could have taken better care of it.

Cheng Huan is still in shock that Xiang’anli belonged to her grandmother. She tells Mao that if she could trade Xiang’anli for her grandmother’s rebirth, she would. She learns how her grandmother cared for the staff members like her family and gets emotional. Meanwhile, Zhi Ming comes to visit her.

In episode 20 of Best Choice Ever, Zhi Ming urges Cheng Huan to exchange inheritances. Cheng Huan’s family can lead a happy life in their grandmother’s house, and Zhi Ming will take over Xiang’anli. He tells him he is better at team management and can take better care of the hotel. Cheng Huan confronts him if he did everything, from returning to China to making a good impression, to get Xiang’anli.

She tells him that there is a reason why her grandmother entrusted her hotel to her. She gives Zhi Ming the letter Grandma Mai had left for him. In her letter, Grandma Mai tells him why she entrusted Cheng Huan with the inheritance. She asks Zhi Ming not to think she is biased towards Cheng Huan.

She tells him that Cheng Huan is a highly able and diligent girl, yet she lacks opportunities to prove herself. On the other hand, she never had to worry about Zhi Ming’s career.

Cheng Huan’s parents come to the hotel to take a tour. Cheng Huan’s mother picks a fight with the chef and gives Cheng Huan a hard time. She even notes down various issues she found with the staff members.

Best Choice Ever is available to stream on Tencent Video and WeTV throughout the week.

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