6 Ghosts that Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Should Add

The phones are ringing off the hooks at the firehouse once again, meaning those neighborhood heroes — the Ghostbusters — are back in business with the release of their new game, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. This asymmetrical 4v1 adventure allows players to take control of new trainees with proton packs or get scary and haunt some enjoyable locations around New York as a slew of apparitions. Although the ghosts have been “unleashed” and can be quite enjoyable to play as, it’s hard to imagine that Slimer is the only notable antagonist of the famed supernatural hunters we will see in the game. The designs are fine, and their abilities are okay, but let’s step outside of the body for a moment and think about what phantasms and poltergeists we really want to play as from the franchise.

Note that I left Stay Puft off of this list because it’s too easy and too big. That one deserves its own expansion.

 RELATED: Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Review: Bustin’ With Friends Feels Good

The Boogieman

It doesn’t matter if kids believe in The Boogieman or not, because their fear makes him real. The higher the fear, the stronger it is. Boogieman is a legend, the story everyone knows, even if they think it’s a joke, but this ghoul is no laughing matter. He isn’t a spirit like many of the others, but rather a nightmare entity from his own realm. Being corporeal means he can do a lot more damage, and this devious creature has to have some way of taunting every child around the world, which is explained by his ability to use any door as a portal to a child’s bedroom. That alone could make for a spectacular mechanic, as the Ghostbusters will have to try and keep up with his quick teleports.

The look of Sprits Unleashed reminded me a lot of the Ghostbusters cartoon, The Real Ghostbusters, so it makes sense to add one of their best visual creations to the game. This Goblin-esque creature — with his oversized head, pointy teeth, large ears, and tuft of hair stolen from a Troll doll — may look slightly ridiculous, but the pale skin, deep red lips, and yellow eyes make The Boogieman truly frightening.

The Spider Witch

If Spirits Unleashed wants to add a slightly scarier foe that will trigger everyone’s arachnophobia, look no further than 2009’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game and its take on the Spider Witch. This femme fatale could offer a classier touch, but the half-human and half-spider body is going to be a bit freaky when it dips down from the shadows and starts draining the blood from its victims or simply hanging players from the ceiling. Her lair is in the Sedgewick Hotel, where she has quite a number of bodies stacked up, as this particular specter did a lot of her killing when she was still alive.

The IDW Comics fleshed the wicked witch out a bit — naming her Evelyn Lewis — and her background is well worth the light reading. She yearned to be more powerful in the afterlife, as she was a true monster way before she killed herself. Plus, we all know anyone who worships Gozer is bad news. The Spider Witch and her insect minions could pose quite the challenge for untested Ghostbusters, while her unique look and web-based abilities would keep players selecting her. 


The Scoleri Brothers

Tony and Nunzio were just two brothers from Albany who liked to do a bit of murdering in their spare time. This hobby led them to their executions, however, via the electric chair, but that doesn’t have to stop anyone from having their fun. Just as Judge Stephen Wexler was giving the guilty verdict and dressing down the Ghostbusters, the two angered apparitions burst from the slime and start resuming their crimes, tearing up the courtroom and terrorizing everyone inside. This scene from Ghostbusters II provides some excellent visuals and allows the heroes to show off a bit, but this duo could use another shot at causing some major mayhem.

It’s hard to say exactly how controlling two spirits at once could work, but the powers would be enjoyable. One of their big moves has to involve summoning the electric chairs to ride around in or zap players with. We already have the appropriate stage for the Scoleri boys with the prison, but it might also be nice to see them make another courtroom appearance.


This is another big bad from the Ghostbusters cartoon and one of the few that the heroes fought more than once before showing back up in the comics as well. This powerful entity has staying power and a lot of pent-up hatred. As his namesake might imply, he’s old and upset about being trapped in stone for so long. His goal now is simple: to make Halloween last forever. With the ability to freeze time, control other ghosts (including Slimer), and a horde of minions, that plan could become reality. Ol’ Sam has a large pumpkin-shaped head, long claws, and some ugly brown robes that might need some updating, and he’s iconic to the hardcore fans.

It might be amusing to have him take over the Ghostbusters’ Firehouse, as he did in the episode “Halloween II ½.” Just make it look creepier and have pumpkins everywhere. The heroes also usually can’t simply zap and trap Samhain, but have to weaken him with light first, which could be incorporated into the gameplay. Whatever the mechanics are, he’d make for an exciting adversary, other than having to hear everyone argue about the pronunciation of his name. 


Terror Dogs

Okay, so the Terror Dogs are mostly minions to some high-level threats, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t cause a whole heap of trouble and have some fun on their own in Spirits Unleashed. These things made their big debut back in the first Ghostbusters film and they obviously left quite the impression, showing up numerous times, even if only for a cameo. Simply put, there’s something cool about a giant-looking dog from Hell with horns and red eyes. This version doesn’t have to be a specific hellhound, like Zuul or Vinz Clortho, but that’d probably excite the fans a little more. Just have whatever it is look awesome and growl Gozer’s name now and again.

Imagining them popping out of refrigerators, breaking down doors, and chasing scared people across rooftops or through the park gets the blood flowing. With their four-legged forms, movement could be fun to program and allow the mutts some sort of pounce ability. The beast could make use of those claws and fangs, have heightened senses for sniffing out the enemy, and be able to possess players. The possibilities are endless and the look is truly iconic.

Vigo the Carpathian

A truly frightening foe, Vigo may have been the Ghostbusters’ greatest challenge, and why shouldn’t he be again? This cruel tyrant met his end during a riot at the hands of his subjects and for good reason. Possessing his own painting, this maniacal monster was prepared to sacrifice a baby so that he may live again and bring about “the season of evil.” It’s a shame that he went down to a bunch of New Yorkers singing off-key and the Statue of Liberty, but he was awesome up until that point. The Scourge of Carpathia is an intimidating man, not only because he keeps talking about blood and skulls, but his look is insanely menacing — and that’s before he reveals his true demonic form.

Vigo is a heavy hitter. He’s a former practitioner of magic who can shoot lightning, control people, command ghosts, and hopefully, he’ll bring the river of slime with him. The game could allow The Sorrow of Moldavia to summon his main minion, Janosz Poha, who was terrifying in his spectral nanny form, flying through the air and pushing a stroller with red glowing eyes; the scariest part of the whole franchise right there. Vigo is boss-level and would make for an excellent addition in the museum … assuming no one tries to paint a small cat on the portrait. 

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