If you’re looking for where to watch and stream Alice in Wonderland (1951) then look no further as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around Alice’s adventures in Wonderland while following a rabbit. She navigates her life and meets several interesting characters.
Here’s where you can watch Alice in Wonderland (1951) online.
Where can you watch and stream Alice in Wonderland (1951)?
You can watch and stream Alice in Wonderland (1951) on Disney Plus. The film is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
Many stars have lent their voices to the characters, including Kathryn Beaumont as Alice, Ed Wynn as Mad Hatter, Richard Haydn as Caterpillar, Sterling Holloway as Cheshire Cat, Jerry Colonna as March Hare, Verna Felton as Queen of Hearts, Bill Thompson as White Rabbit, and others.
How to watch Alice in Wonderland (1951) and stream online
You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream Alice in Wonderland (1951). To sign up, open the Disney Plus website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW”, enter your email address and password, choose a subscription plan that suits you best, make your payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.
Disney provides three different subscription plans for you to choose from – a basic plan with ads at $7.99 a month, a premium plan ad-free at $10.99 a month, and $109.99 a year.
The official synopsis for Alice in Wonderland (1951) reads:
“Join Alice as she falls into the madcap world of Wonderland and meets extraordinary characters including Tweedlebee and Tweedledum, the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, and the frantically late White Rabbit.”