We Bought a Zoo unfolds the heartwarming tale of a widowed father, Benjamin Mee, who embarks on a life-altering journey. He starts anew and buys a rundown zoo to overcome his collective grief. The 2011 movie is a delightful experience for the viewers, who might wonder if it’s based on actual people. So, is We Bought a Zoo based on a true story and are there any real events and facts in the movie?
Is We Bought a Zoo based on a true story?
Yes, We Bought a Zoo is loosely based on a true story and it is inspired by the real-life experiences of Benjamin Mee. He wrote an eponymous memoir and detailed all his family adventures of purchasing and renovating the zoo. The movie does take some creative liberties and introduces a few composite characters, but apart from that, the core premise is all about Mee’s actual journey.
We Bought a Zoo’s real events and facts explained
The movie accurately depicts how Benjamin Mee purchased an actual zoo, i.e., the Dartmoor Zoological Park in Devon, England, in 2006. The zoo had a lot of repairing to do, and his family took on the project, for a fresh start. Throughout the renovation process, Mee faced multiple challenges like handling dilapidated enclosures and the diverse needs of the animals, which were actual struggles that he encountered during the zoo’s revitalization.
Integrating a new zoo staff and collaborating with them in the movie aligns with the real events at the Dartmoor Zoological Park after Mee’s acquisition. As seen in the movie, he did go through financial difficulties when it came to securing funding for the zoo’s renovation and running daily operations.
The real people behind We Bought a Zoo’s characters
We Bought a Zoo is about a resilient family and a widowed father who goes through a transformative journey. As there are fictionalized elements in the movie, with a romantic subplot, not all the characters are based on real-life individuals.
Is Benjamin Mee a real person?
Yes, Benjamin Mee is a real-life figure. He’s a widowed father who purchased a rundown zoo and sternly faced all the challenges that come his way. Benjamin wrote his memoir after starting the zoo, and his character represents determination, as well as the unique challenges of a single parent.
Is Kelly Foster a real person?
Kelly Foster is a fictional character, based on no one in particular. A zookeeper, she is Benjamin’s romantic interest in the movie and a symbol of hope. Kelly supports him through his experiences and provides her expertise whenever possible.