FaZe Clan, a renowned sports and entertainment company, has decided to restructure its organization following Richard “Banks” Bengston’s becoming CEO. Due to this, the organization removed some of its members and has also added new ones to the roster. If you are interested in knowing who stayed and who joined the FaZe Clan, here are all the details.
This is the current Faze clan roster, featuring both new and returning players.
List of FaZe Clan members in the 2024 roster
Faze Clan’s members for 2024 feature a number of familiar faces, as well as some new blood that could help the team reach new heights. Banks confirmed the following list on X — formerly Twitter:
- Adapt
- Apex
- Banks
- Jev
- Kaysan
- Nick Mercs
- Replays
- Ronaldo
- Rug
- Scope
- Swagg
- Temperrr
- Your Rage
- Zooma
FaZe Clan is almost a 14-year-old company that has made a name for itself in the gaming and entertainment industry. Its establishment dates back to 2010, when three eSports enthusiasts, Eric Rivera, Jeff Emann, and Ben Christensen, made the first move to start a YouTube channel named FaZe Sniping, where they used to stream and post Call of Duty: Modern Warfare-related videos, which were quick to catch an eye.
As the company grew, new members joined the clan, and they would also go on to play several eSports competitions. With growing fame, they continued building ties by forming big partnerships with brands such as Manchester City and Nike. To date, they are deemed to be one of the best video game channels on YouTube. In a shocking turn of events, the company recently decided to revitalize and cut half of its members.
The company’s rebranding aim is to bring back the OG era of FaZe Clan, which was more focused on eSports gaming than content creation. Recently, Banks took over social media, blacked out the company’s profile picture, and unfollowed everyone. This move of rebranding and removing members while bringing new faces happened due to the acquisition and the organization heading into its new phase.