Try Harder! is a television documentary film that follows the lives of a group of extremely intelligent students who are trying to apply for admission to their desired college. The film is about highlighting the process and how tough and competitive it is.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Try Harder! via streaming services such as Hulu.
Is Try Harder! available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Try Harder! is available to watch via streaming on Hulu.
The film follows the students, who are all toppers in their class and the most intelligent. Their only dream is to become a part of an elite college where they can achieve their dreams. The film shows discussion and interviews with students, faculty, and parents to help the audience understand the concept in a better way. It explores the themes of education, hard work, and competition.
The film features the following actors: Richard Shapiro, Rachael Schmidt, Ian Wang, and Alvan Cai.
Watch Try Harder! streaming via Hulu
Try Harder! is available to watch on Hulu.
Hulu is an online video on demand streaming service which features millions of movies, TV serials and documntaries to watch and stream. It consists of premium features which include a free trial and a paid premium.
You can watch via Hulu by following these steps:
- Go to
- Select ‘Start Your Free Trial’
- Choose a plan:
- $7.99 per month or $79.99 per year (With Ads)
- $17.99 per month (No Ads)
Hulu (With Ads) is the cheapest option, providing users access to Hulu’s streaming library with commercials. Hulu (No Ads) is the service’s premium option, providing access to its library without any advertisements. There are also several bundles available with Hulu that pair the service with Disney Plus and ESPN Plus, along with Live TV plans that also include many live TV channels.
Try Harder! synopsis is as follows:
“In a universe where cool kids are nerds, the orchestra is world class and being Asian American is the norm, seniors at Lowell High School compete for the top prize: admission to the college of their dreams.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.