U.K. Hatchet Event Announcement

Spend an evening with Adam Green

Our friends across the pond at The Works have a special Hatchet announcement for all of you U.K. ShockTillYouDrop.com readers. Read on…

Do you live in the U.K.? Are you a rabid Victor Crowley fan? Well how about this…

On Tuesday August 28th, THE WORKS is going to hold a private theatrical screening of HATCHET for an intimate group of the most die-hard horror fans in London’s West End. Writer/Director Adam Green will be hosting both the screening and the after party as a special treat for this elite group of people who have what it takes to gain admittance.

So how do you get on the list?

Well, this event is going to be very intimate so only a few of you will actually be able to get picked. After years of touring the major world festivals, sold out theaters, and conventions…Adam has asked to keep this one ultra private so he can spend personal one-on-one time with the fans, take them out for drinks, and make this night truly special.

But YOU can get on his list!

All you have to do is send a letter to info@ariescope.com explaining why YOU deserve to be there more than anyone else. BE CREATIVE! Send pictures that show your love for Victor Crowley and old school horror, write a song, decorate your flat, wear your Hatchet Army shirt somewhere crazy and get a photo of it…show how much you love horror! LESS THAN 20 FANS WILL BE PERSONALLY HAND PICKED BY ADAM GREEN – so make your submission stand out! Make it unforgettable!

Now here are the rules….

1. Do not submit anything here. All submissions must be made electronically through info@ariescope.com. Submissions here will be deleted.

2. DO NOT DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL OR ANYTHING THAT MAY CAUSE YOU OR ANYONE ELSE HARM. (For instance, don’t mangle your little sister’s face with a belt sander to show how crazy you are.) Pain, real gore, self mutilation…these are all ways to get instantly disqualified. Make Adam WANT to meet you- not want to run away from you!

3. Do NOT pester Adam personally through his fan mail or MySpace. It won’t help your chances. If you’re someone who is a regular corresponder with Adam or an actual U.K. friend…it’s not going to help your chances. This is all going to be based on the passion and creativity in your letters.

4. Admittance can NOT be bought. Don’t even try it.

5. Each fan admitted will be awarded 2 TICKETS into the screening and after party. The exact locations of which will only be revealed to the winners.

6. Your submissions will NOT be publicized without us asking for your permission first. So do not fear. They are going straight into an account for Adam to see and read through.


8. Provide a link to your MySpace page as we will be checking to see that you have HATCHET listed in your TOP FRIENDS. If it isn’t…well you’re really not THAT big of a fan, are you?

Now, what are you waiting for?? Time is of the essence! Do you want to have your own private HATCHET party and see the film a MONTH before it opens or not? Stop reading this blog and get to work! Once the theater is full…the contest is over.


There you have it. Good luck to those who enter and for all of you U.S. slasher fiends eager to see Hatchet will not have to wait much longer, the film hits theaters on September 7th!

Source: Ryan Rotten

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