Jessica Stroup Suffers in Homecoming

The Mischa Barton Misery-esque thriller

She has survived the mutants of The Hills Have Eyes 2 and she’s pushed through one hellish Prom Night this week. Next, Jessica Stroup must survive the wrath of Mischa Barton.

In the upcoming thriller Homecoming, directed by Morgan J. Freeman, Stroup plays a girlfriend who becomes the target of her man’s ex-high school sweetheart. talked with Stroup about the film which is currently in post-production.

“It’s based on the movie Misery. Mischa Barton captures me,” she tells us. So, essentially, you’re the James Caan of the film. “I am.” Are you hobbled by a sledgehammer? “No, my Achilles tendon gets slashed.”

Stroup expresses the film posed significant physical challenges that extended beyond her scenes with Barton. “We shot the film in Pittsburgh. It was 10-degrees outside and I’m wearing a sweatshirt, sweatpants and a white wife-beater. It was freezing cold and awful.”

Matthew Long and Michael Landes co-star in the film.


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