Neo-Giallo Film FRANCESCA Gets Snazzy New Poster

SONNO PROFONDO filmmakers return with stylized neo-giallo FRANCESCA.

A few years back, Italian horror fans – as well as fans of avant garde cinema – responded favorably to Argentinian filmmakers Luciano and Nicolas Onetti’s award winning psychedelic, immersive, no-budget giallo experiment SONNO PROFONDO,

Now, the duo are back with the even more stylized follow-up, FRANCESCA.

SHOCK got an eyeful of the new, retro-fashioned poster above. What do you think?

FRANCESCA tells the tale of a child named  Francesca, daughter of the renowned storyteller, poet and dramatist Vittorio Visconti, who has mysteriously disappeared. As the community reels, the populace is stalked by a psychopath bent on cleaning the city of “impure and damned souls”.But then, without warning, Francesca seems to have returned, but she is not the same girl who everyone knew…

FRANCESCA is written by Nicolas and Luciano Onetti and directed by Nicolas Onetti.

It stars Raul Gederlini, Silvina Grippaldi, Luis Emilio Rodríguez, Gustavo D´Alessandro.

Though FRANCESCA is an Argentinian film, the language spoken by the cast is Italian. This is a real deal giallo homage and we couldn’t be more excited. The movie has yet to secure North American distribution. We’ll keep you posted when that happens…

You can follow the FRANCESCA team at their official Facebook page.

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