The 8 Show
The 8 Show official poster (Photo Credit: Netflix)

The 8 Show Ending Explained & Spoilers: Do Ryu Jun-Yeol and Other Participants End the Game?

The thriller K-drama The 8 Show debuted on Netflix on Friday, May 17, 2024, with all eight episodes. It is a gripping series that centers around eight individuals struggling with different problems in life. They are invited to play a game inside a mysterious building to win money. However, the game soon turns out to reflect their social disparities.

In the finale episode of The 8 Show, viewers see 8F (Chun Woo-Hee) using her unfair advantages in the game to torture the other participants. It also sees the other participants finally battling it out with 8F and getting the upper hand over the situation. They all try to end the game. However, 1F (Bae Sung-Woo) forces them to continue playing it after losing money.

1F is fatally injured and requires immediate medical attention. Now, they have to end the game to save his life. At the finale’s end, 3F (Ryu Jun-Yeol) presents a brilliant idea to end the game. Although the other participants in his team help him accomplish it, they fail to save 1F.

The 8 Show ending: Ryu Jun-Yeol and the other participants finally end the game

The final episode of Netflix’s The 8 Show sees 8F torturing the other participants by depriving them of sleep. Only 4F (Lee Yul-Eum) and 5F (Moon Jeong-Hee) are free. The others, including 3F, 7F (Park Jeong-Min), 2F (Lee Joo-Young), 1F, and even 6F (Park Hae-Joon), are all tied up. 8F is brutally torturing them in different ways, including sleep deprivation. It is quite clear that 8F never wants the game to end.

4F, who has been acting as 8F’s caddy and personal servant, gains the courage to free everybody so that they can all end the vicious game. However, while escaping from the rooms, the participants get caught by 8F. She is about to shoot them with a gun, but 4F appears with a golf stick and hits her in the head. Then, the participants tie her up and leave her on the floor.

After that, they decide to use the money earned in the game to change the numbers, indicating the social hierarchy. 1F decides to use most of his money to do it. However, it turns out that with that much money, they can only get instructions on changing the room numbers. This makes them realize that it is almost impossible to change the rooms. Thus, they decide to spend all the money and end the game to get out of the building.

However, after losing most of his money, 1F forces the other to continue to play the game. He threatens them with the gun and ties all of them on chairs. Before coming to the show, 1F used to work in a circus group. He starts to show his dangerous circus tricks and games to keep the game entertaining and earn more time. After he gets into a terrible fire accident while showing a rope trick, the other participants find a way to end the game and save 1F. 

3F somehow manages to untie himself and finally gets the idea to end the horrifying game. He tries to create a complete blackout so no one can see them anymore, forcing the hosts to end the game. All the participants in his team helped him eliminate all the cameras, and they managed to create a blackout. As a result, the game ends, and the building door opens. However, it is too late, as 1F passes away. 

At the end of The 8 Show finale, the audience sees that a few months have passed since the game ended. All the participants are now living their daily lives and earning money from the game. Then, one day, 3F organizes a funeral for 1F to bring the other participants together in one place. Only 4F, 2F, and 5F show up, and they all have drinks and food together. The K-drama ends with the participants parting ways without knowing any information about each other.

Viewers can watch The 8 Show on Netflix.

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