I obviously don’t do this for most films, or really any films for that matter, but considering I alerted you to the markets The Road would first be hitting on its November 25 release I figured I may as well keep you up-to-date as the information continued to roll in. And guess what, information has rolled in.
On December 18, The Road will be expanding and I have been told by a Weinstein Co. rep they are targeting 53 additional markets around the US. Now when I say “targeting” that means they are still working on confirming theatres. So while your city’s name may be on this list it still isn’t 100-percent confirmed.
- Cleveland
- Indianapolis
- Hartford & New Haven
- Charlotte
- Raleigh-Durham
- Nashville
- Cincinnati
- Milwaukee
- Columbus, OH
- Greenvll-Spart-Ashevll-And
- Salt Lake City
- Memphis
- Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws
- West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce
- Buffalo
- Louisville
- Albuquerque-Santa Fe
- Providence-New Bedford
- Las Vegas
- Fresno- Visalia
- Albany-Schenectady-Troy
- Little Rock-Pine Bluff
- Richmond-Petersburg
- Knoxville
- Wichita-Hutchinson Plus
- Des Moines-Ames
- Honolulu
- Tucson(Nogales)
- Omaha
- Paducah-C. Gird-Harbg-Mt Vn
- Shreveport
- Syracuse
- Rochester, NY
- Spokane
- Springfield, MO
- Portland-Auburn
- Ft. Myers-Naples
- Champaign&Sprngfld-Decatur
- Chattanooga
- Madison
- Davenport-R. Island-Moline
- Burlington-Plattsburgh
- Colorado Springs-Pueblo
- Lincoln&Hstngs-Krnyplus
- Charleston, SC
- Springfield-Holyoke, MA
- Tallahassee-Thomasville
- Monterey-Salinas
- Columbia-Jefferson City
- Gainesville
- Charlottesville
- Bend, OR
- Puerto Rico
For more on The Road click here and for my review you can read that here. The first list of markets I published can be found here, and the script just went online, which is detailed further right here.