Star Wars The Acolyte Episode 2 Easter Eggs References List
(Image Credit: Disney Plus)

Star Wars: The Acolyte Episode 2 Easter Eggs and References

If you’re searching for more Star Wars: The Acolyte Easter eggs, Episode 2 of this Disney Plus series has plenty of them. Like the many references in the first episode, this episode has droids, ships, and dialogue that are connected to other Star Wars comics, movies, and shows. Fans will notice more Easter eggs than the ones listed here, but a good number of them allude to novels, audio dramas, and comics in the Star Wars universe that viewers may not know about. While the High Republic time period of this prequel series has given the writers a lot of leeway as far as continuity is concerned, there is some Star Wars content that already exist during the same time. Here are a handful of references peppered throughout the second episode of The Acolyte.

Are there any The Acolyte Episode 2 Easter eggs and references?

Yes, there is a wealth of Easter eggs in the second episode of The Acolyte. The following are some of the references we found:

  1. The guardian droid that protects the Jedi temple gate on Olega has two eyes but looks very similar to the one-eyed TT-8L/Y7 eye-stalk droid that C-3PO encounters at Jabba the Hut’s palace in Return of the Jedi. The somewhat barbed metal casing around their eyes are shared between the two.
  2. The subtitles used in the episode are Franklin Gothic, the same font for the subtitles in the original trilogy series (though it’s bolded more in that series).
  3. Qimir and Mae have a conversation where Qimir remarks that “Jedi justify their galactic dominance in the name of, and peace…” and Mae finishes it with “…is a lie, I know.” This is a reference to the Sith Code, where one line of it says that “peace is a lie, there is only passion.”
  4. Mae seeks out poison from Qimir as a means of killing the Jedi Torbin on the planet Olega, but this might violate a rule stating that she can’t assassinate him using a weapon. We delved into this a bit in the Episode 1 Easter eggs, but this alludes to a trial that Darth Vader has to perform in the comics where he must kill a Jedi without using a weapon in order to prove himself worthy. It looks likely that Mae is undergoing a similar trial, and Qimir says himself that “he,” likely meaning the Sith Lord, will be pleased with how Mae killed Torbin.
  5. It is revealed that Jedi Master Torbin takes something called the Barash Vow, first introduced by Charles Soule in the Star Wars: Darth Vader comics. This is an oath of self-isolation and contemplation that is typically taken as a form of penitence and is named after Jedi Master Barash Silvain. While some take this oath as a way to recenter themselves and become more attuned to the Force, Torbin does so mainly out of guilt.
  6. Yord says the line “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” which fans will recognize as a running gag throughout Star Wars.
  7. Yord uses a set of binoculars from a high vantage point and the frame shot switches to his perspective through it. This is similar to a shot in the original Star Wars movie where Luke looks through a set of macrobinoculars on Tatooine while scanning the perimeter of the homestead.
  8. Mae escapes the encounter with Osha by using a Veil speeder. This vehicle was first described in The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, a novel written by Charles Soule (yep, he’s going to pop up in many places). This vehicle, which has one repulsor and a duralium frame, saw a lot of use by the Jedi Order during the High Republic time period.
  9. We see two scavengers speaking an interesting language on the planet Khofar, where the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca has been living. Fans will recognize this language as Huttese, which is a common alien language spoken throughout Hutt Space. It was first introduced in Star Wars: A New Hope by bounty hunter Greedo who tried to capture Han Solo in the cantina.
  10. Osha and Mae’s last name is Aniseya, which is in some way connected to Mother Aniseya played by Jodie Turner-Smith. We haven’t seen how this character is specifically connected to the twins, but she does lead a coven of Force-using witches and has a grudge against the Jedi. If the trailer is anything to go by, we’ll surely learn more about her later in season one.
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